CommonLibSSE (Parapets fork)
Properties.h File Reference

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using vr::PropertyContainerHandle_t = std::uint64_t
using vr::PropertyTypeTag_t = std::uint32_t


enum  vr::ETrackedDeviceProperty {
  vr::Prop_Invalid = 0 , vr::Prop_TrackingSystemName_String = 1000 , vr::Prop_ModelNumber_String = 1001 , vr::Prop_SerialNumber_String = 1002 ,
  vr::Prop_RenderModelName_String = 1003 , vr::Prop_WillDriftInYaw_Bool = 1004 , vr::Prop_ManufacturerName_String = 1005 , vr::Prop_TrackingFirmwareVersion_String = 1006 ,
  vr::Prop_HardwareRevision_String = 1007 , vr::Prop_AllWirelessDongleDescriptions_String = 1008 , vr::Prop_ConnectedWirelessDongle_String = 1009 , vr::Prop_DeviceIsWireless_Bool = 1010 ,
  vr::Prop_DeviceIsCharging_Bool = 1011 , vr::Prop_DeviceBatteryPercentage_Float = 1012 , vr::Prop_StatusDisplayTransform_Matrix34 = 1013 , vr::Prop_Firmware_UpdateAvailable_Bool = 1014 ,
  vr::Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdate_Bool = 1015 , vr::Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String = 1016 , vr::Prop_HardwareRevision_Uint64 = 1017 , vr::Prop_FirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 1018 ,
  vr::Prop_FPGAVersion_Uint64 = 1019 , vr::Prop_VRCVersion_Uint64 = 1020 , vr::Prop_RadioVersion_Uint64 = 1021 , vr::Prop_DongleVersion_Uint64 = 1022 ,
  vr::Prop_BlockServerShutdown_Bool = 1023 , vr::Prop_CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd_Bool = 1024 , vr::Prop_ContainsProximitySensor_Bool = 1025 , vr::Prop_DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus_Bool = 1026 ,
  vr::Prop_DeviceCanPowerOff_Bool = 1027 , vr::Prop_Firmware_ProgrammingTarget_String = 1028 , vr::Prop_DeviceClass_Int32 = 1029 , vr::Prop_HasCamera_Bool = 1030 ,
  vr::Prop_DriverVersion_String = 1031 , vr::Prop_Firmware_ForceUpdateRequired_Bool = 1032 , vr::Prop_ViveSystemButtonFixRequired_Bool = 1033 , vr::Prop_ParentDriver_Uint64 = 1034 ,
  vr::Prop_ResourceRoot_String = 1035 , vr::Prop_ReportsTimeSinceVSync_Bool = 2000 , vr::Prop_SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons_Float = 2001 , vr::Prop_DisplayFrequency_Float = 2002 ,
  vr::Prop_UserIpdMeters_Float = 2003 , vr::Prop_CurrentUniverseId_Uint64 = 2004 , vr::Prop_PreviousUniverseId_Uint64 = 2005 , vr::Prop_DisplayFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2006 ,
  vr::Prop_IsOnDesktop_Bool = 2007 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCType_Int32 = 2008 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCOffset_Float = 2009 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCScale_Float = 2010 ,
  vr::Prop_EdidVendorID_Int32 = 2011 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCImageLeft_String = 2012 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCImageRight_String = 2013 , vr::Prop_DisplayGCBlackClamp_Float = 2014 ,
  vr::Prop_EdidProductID_Int32 = 2015 , vr::Prop_CameraToHeadTransform_Matrix34 = 2016 , vr::Prop_DisplayGCType_Int32 = 2017 , vr::Prop_DisplayGCOffset_Float = 2018 ,
  vr::Prop_DisplayGCScale_Float = 2019 , vr::Prop_DisplayGCPrescale_Float = 2020 , vr::Prop_DisplayGCImage_String = 2021 , vr::Prop_LensCenterLeftU_Float = 2022 ,
  vr::Prop_LensCenterLeftV_Float = 2023 , vr::Prop_LensCenterRightU_Float = 2024 , vr::Prop_LensCenterRightV_Float = 2025 , vr::Prop_UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters_Float = 2026 ,
  vr::Prop_CameraFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2027 , vr::Prop_CameraFirmwareDescription_String = 2028 , vr::Prop_DisplayFPGAVersion_Uint64 = 2029 , vr::Prop_DisplayBootloaderVersion_Uint64 = 2030 ,
  vr::Prop_DisplayHardwareVersion_Uint64 = 2031 , vr::Prop_AudioFirmwareVersion_Uint64 = 2032 , vr::Prop_CameraCompatibilityMode_Int32 = 2033 , vr::Prop_ScreenshotHorizontalFieldOfViewDegrees_Float = 2034 ,
  vr::Prop_ScreenshotVerticalFieldOfViewDegrees_Float = 2035 , vr::Prop_DisplaySuppressed_Bool = 2036 , vr::Prop_DisplayAllowNightMode_Bool = 2037 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCImageWidth_Int32 = 2038 ,
  vr::Prop_DisplayMCImageHeight_Int32 = 2039 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCImageNumChannels_Int32 = 2040 , vr::Prop_DisplayMCImageData_Binary = 2041 , vr::Prop_SecondsFromPhotonsToVblank_Float = 2042 ,
  vr::Prop_DriverDirectModeSendsVsyncEvents_Bool = 2043 , vr::Prop_DisplayDebugMode_Bool = 2044 , vr::Prop_GraphicsAdapterLuid_Uint64 = 2045 , vr::Prop_DriverProvidedChaperonePath_String = 2048 ,
  vr::Prop_AttachedDeviceId_String = 3000 , vr::Prop_SupportedButtons_Uint64 = 3001 , vr::Prop_Axis0Type_Int32 = 3002 , vr::Prop_Axis1Type_Int32 = 3003 ,
  vr::Prop_Axis2Type_Int32 = 3004 , vr::Prop_Axis3Type_Int32 = 3005 , vr::Prop_Axis4Type_Int32 = 3006 , vr::Prop_ControllerRoleHint_Int32 = 3007 ,
  vr::Prop_FieldOfViewLeftDegrees_Float = 4000 , vr::Prop_FieldOfViewRightDegrees_Float = 4001 , vr::Prop_FieldOfViewTopDegrees_Float = 4002 , vr::Prop_FieldOfViewBottomDegrees_Float = 4003 ,
  vr::Prop_TrackingRangeMinimumMeters_Float = 4004 , vr::Prop_TrackingRangeMaximumMeters_Float = 4005 , vr::Prop_ModeLabel_String = 4006 , vr::Prop_IconPathName_String = 5000 ,
  vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceOff_String = 5001 , vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceSearching_String = 5002 , vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert_String = 5003 , vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceReady_String = 5004 ,
  vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert_String = 5005 , vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady_String = 5006 , vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceStandby_String = 5007 , vr::Prop_NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow_String = 5008 ,
  vr::Prop_DisplayHiddenArea_Binary_Start = 5100 , vr::Prop_DisplayHiddenArea_Binary_End = 5150 , vr::Prop_UserConfigPath_String = 6000 , vr::Prop_InstallPath_String = 6001 ,
  vr::Prop_HasDisplayComponent_Bool = 6002 , vr::Prop_HasControllerComponent_Bool = 6003 , vr::Prop_HasCameraComponent_Bool = 6004 , vr::Prop_HasDriverDirectModeComponent_Bool = 6005 ,
  vr::Prop_HasVirtualDisplayComponent_Bool = 6006 , vr::Prop_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000 , vr::Prop_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 10999
enum  vr::ETrackedPropertyError {
  vr::TrackedProp_Success = 0 , vr::TrackedProp_WrongDataType = 1 , vr::TrackedProp_WrongDeviceClass = 2 , vr::TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall = 3 ,
  vr::TrackedProp_UnknownProperty = 4 , vr::TrackedProp_InvalidDevice = 5 , vr::TrackedProp_CouldNotContactServer = 6 , vr::TrackedProp_ValueNotProvidedByDevice = 7 ,
  vr::TrackedProp_StringExceedsMaximumLength = 8 , vr::TrackedProp_NotYetAvailable = 9 , vr::TrackedProp_PermissionDenied = 10 , vr::TrackedProp_InvalidOperation = 11


static constexpr PropertyContainerHandle_t vr::k_ulInvalidPropertyContainer = 0
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unInvalidPropertyTag = 0
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unFloatPropertyTag = 1
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unInt32PropertyTag = 2
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unUint64PropertyTag = 3
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unBoolPropertyTag = 4
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unStringPropertyTag = 5
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unHmdMatrix34PropertyTag = 20
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unHmdMatrix44PropertyTag = 21
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unHmdVector3PropertyTag = 22
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unHmdVector4PropertyTag = 23
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unHiddenAreaPropertyTag = 30
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unOpenVRInternalReserved_Start = 1000
static constexpr PropertyTypeTag_t vr::k_unOpenVRInternalReserved_End = 10000
static const uint32_t vr::k_unMaxPropertyStringSize = 32 * 1024