CommonLibSSE (Parapets fork)
VREvent.h File Reference
#include "vr/Properties.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  vr::VREvent_Controller_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Mouse_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Scroll_t
struct  vr::VREvent_TouchPadMove_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Notification_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Process_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Overlay_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Status_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Keyboard_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Ipd_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Chaperone_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Reserved_t
struct  vr::VREvent_PerformanceTest_t
struct  vr::VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Screenshot_t
struct  vr::VREvent_ScreenshotProgress_t
struct  vr::VREvent_ApplicationLaunch_t
struct  vr::VREvent_EditingCameraSurface_t
struct  vr::VREvent_MessageOverlay_t
struct  vr::VREvent_Property_t
struct  vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_t
struct  vr::VREvent_HapticVibration_t
union  vr::VREvent_Data_t
struct  vr::VREvent_t




enum  vr::EVREventType {
  vr::VREvent_None = 0 , vr::VREvent_TrackedDeviceActivated = 100 , vr::VREvent_TrackedDeviceDeactivated = 101 , vr::VREvent_TrackedDeviceUpdated = 102 ,
  vr::VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionStarted = 103 , vr::VREvent_TrackedDeviceUserInteractionEnded = 104 , vr::VREvent_IpdChanged = 105 , vr::VREvent_EnterStandbyMode = 106 ,
  vr::VREvent_LeaveStandbyMode = 107 , vr::VREvent_TrackedDeviceRoleChanged = 108 , vr::VREvent_WatchdogWakeUpRequested = 109 , vr::VREvent_LensDistortionChanged = 110 ,
  vr::VREvent_PropertyChanged = 111 , vr::VREvent_WirelessDisconnect = 112 , vr::VREvent_WirelessReconnect = 113 , vr::VREvent_ButtonPress = 200 ,
  vr::VREvent_ButtonUnpress = 201 , vr::VREvent_ButtonTouch = 202 , vr::VREvent_ButtonUntouch = 203 , vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_Press = 250 ,
  vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_Unpress = 251 , vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_Touch = 252 , vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_Untouch = 253 , vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_Move = 254 ,
  vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_ModeSwitch1 = 255 , vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_ModeSwitch2 = 256 , vr::VREvent_DualAnalog_Cancel = 257 , vr::VREvent_MouseMove = 300 ,
  vr::VREvent_MouseButtonDown = 301 , vr::VREvent_MouseButtonUp = 302 , vr::VREvent_FocusEnter = 303 , vr::VREvent_FocusLeave = 304 ,
  vr::VREvent_Scroll = 305 , vr::VREvent_TouchPadMove = 306 , vr::VREvent_OverlayFocusChanged = 307 , vr::VREvent_InputFocusCaptured = 400 ,
  vr::VREvent_InputFocusReleased = 401 , vr::VREvent_SceneFocusLost = 402 , vr::VREvent_SceneFocusGained = 403 , vr::VREvent_SceneApplicationChanged = 404 ,
  vr::VREvent_SceneFocusChanged = 405 , vr::VREvent_InputFocusChanged = 406 , vr::VREvent_SceneApplicationSecondaryRenderingStarted = 407 , vr::VREvent_HideRenderModels = 410 ,
  vr::VREvent_ShowRenderModels = 411 , vr::VREvent_ConsoleOpened = 420 , vr::VREvent_ConsoleClosed = 421 , vr::VREvent_OverlayShown = 500 ,
  vr::VREvent_OverlayHidden = 501 , vr::VREvent_DashboardActivated = 502 , vr::VREvent_DashboardDeactivated = 503 , vr::VREvent_DashboardThumbSelected = 504 ,
  vr::VREvent_DashboardRequested = 505 , vr::VREvent_ResetDashboard = 506 , vr::VREvent_RenderToast = 507 , vr::VREvent_ImageLoaded = 508 ,
  vr::VREvent_ShowKeyboard = 509 , vr::VREvent_HideKeyboard = 510 , vr::VREvent_OverlayGamepadFocusGained = 511 , vr::VREvent_OverlayGamepadFocusLost = 512 ,
  vr::VREvent_OverlaySharedTextureChanged = 513 , vr::VREvent_DashboardGuideButtonDown = 514 , vr::VREvent_DashboardGuideButtonUp = 515 , vr::VREvent_ScreenshotTriggered = 516 ,
  vr::VREvent_ImageFailed = 517 , vr::VREvent_DashboardOverlayCreated = 518 , vr::VREvent_RequestScreenshot = 520 , vr::VREvent_ScreenshotTaken = 521 ,
  vr::VREvent_ScreenshotFailed = 522 , vr::VREvent_SubmitScreenshotToDashboard = 523 , vr::VREvent_ScreenshotProgressToDashboard = 524 , vr::VREvent_PrimaryDashboardDeviceChanged = 525 ,
  vr::VREvent_Notification_Shown = 600 , vr::VREvent_Notification_Hidden = 601 , vr::VREvent_Notification_BeginInteraction = 602 , vr::VREvent_Notification_Destroyed = 603 ,
  vr::VREvent_Quit = 700 , vr::VREvent_ProcessQuit = 701 , vr::VREvent_QuitAborted_UserPrompt = 702 , vr::VREvent_QuitAcknowledged = 703 ,
  vr::VREvent_DriverRequestedQuit = 704 , vr::VREvent_ChaperoneDataHasChanged = 800 , vr::VREvent_ChaperoneUniverseHasChanged = 801 , vr::VREvent_ChaperoneTempDataHasChanged = 802 ,
  vr::VREvent_ChaperoneSettingsHaveChanged = 803 , vr::VREvent_SeatedZeroPoseReset = 804 , vr::VREvent_AudioSettingsHaveChanged = 820 , vr::VREvent_BackgroundSettingHasChanged = 850 ,
  vr::VREvent_CameraSettingsHaveChanged = 851 , vr::VREvent_ReprojectionSettingHasChanged = 852 , vr::VREvent_ModelSkinSettingsHaveChanged = 853 , vr::VREvent_EnvironmentSettingsHaveChanged = 854 ,
  vr::VREvent_PowerSettingsHaveChanged = 855 , vr::VREvent_EnableHomeAppSettingsHaveChanged = 856 , vr::VREvent_SteamVRSectionSettingChanged = 857 , vr::VREvent_LighthouseSectionSettingChanged = 858 ,
  vr::VREvent_NullSectionSettingChanged = 859 , vr::VREvent_UserInterfaceSectionSettingChanged = 860 , vr::VREvent_NotificationsSectionSettingChanged = 861 , vr::VREvent_KeyboardSectionSettingChanged = 862 ,
  vr::VREvent_PerfSectionSettingChanged = 863 , vr::VREvent_DashboardSectionSettingChanged = 864 , vr::VREvent_WebInterfaceSectionSettingChanged = 865 , vr::VREvent_StatusUpdate = 900 ,
  vr::VREvent_WebInterface_InstallDriverCompleted = 950 , vr::VREvent_MCImageUpdated = 1000 , vr::VREvent_FirmwareUpdateStarted = 1100 , vr::VREvent_FirmwareUpdateFinished = 1101 ,
  vr::VREvent_KeyboardClosed = 1200 , vr::VREvent_KeyboardCharInput = 1201 , vr::VREvent_KeyboardDone = 1202 , vr::VREvent_ApplicationTransitionStarted = 1300 ,
  vr::VREvent_ApplicationTransitionAborted = 1301 , vr::VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppStarted = 1302 , vr::VREvent_ApplicationListUpdated = 1303 , vr::VREvent_ApplicationMimeTypeLoad = 1304 ,
  vr::VREvent_ApplicationTransitionNewAppLaunchComplete = 1305 , vr::VREvent_ProcessConnected = 1306 , vr::VREvent_ProcessDisconnected = 1307 , vr::VREvent_Compositor_MirrorWindowShown = 1400 ,
  vr::VREvent_Compositor_MirrorWindowHidden = 1401 , vr::VREvent_Compositor_ChaperoneBoundsShown = 1410 , vr::VREvent_Compositor_ChaperoneBoundsHidden = 1411 , vr::VREvent_TrackedCamera_StartVideoStream = 1500 ,
  vr::VREvent_TrackedCamera_StopVideoStream = 1501 , vr::VREvent_TrackedCamera_PauseVideoStream = 1502 , vr::VREvent_TrackedCamera_ResumeVideoStream = 1503 , vr::VREvent_TrackedCamera_EditingSurface = 1550 ,
  vr::VREvent_PerformanceTest_EnableCapture = 1600 , vr::VREvent_PerformanceTest_DisableCapture = 1601 , vr::VREvent_PerformanceTest_FidelityLevel = 1602 , vr::VREvent_MessageOverlay_Closed = 1650 ,
  vr::VREvent_MessageOverlayCloseRequested = 1651 , vr::VREvent_Input_HapticVibration = 1700 , vr::VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_Start = 10000 , vr::VREvent_VendorSpecific_Reserved_End = 19999
enum  vr::EDeviceActivityLevel {
  vr::k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Unknown = -1 , vr::k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Idle = 0 , vr::k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction = 1 , vr::k_EDeviceActivityLevel_UserInteraction_Timeout = 2 ,
  vr::k_EDeviceActivityLevel_Standby = 3
enum  vr::EVRButtonId {
  vr::k_EButton_System = 0 , vr::k_EButton_ApplicationMenu = 1 , vr::k_EButton_Grip = 2 , vr::k_EButton_DPad_Left = 3 ,
  vr::k_EButton_DPad_Up = 4 , vr::k_EButton_DPad_Right = 5 , vr::k_EButton_DPad_Down = 6 , vr::k_EButton_A = 7 ,
  vr::k_EButton_ProximitySensor = 31 , vr::k_EButton_Axis0 = 32 , vr::k_EButton_Axis1 = 33 , vr::k_EButton_Axis2 = 34 ,
  vr::k_EButton_Axis3 = 35 , vr::k_EButton_Axis4 = 36 , vr::k_EButton_SteamVR_Touchpad = k_EButton_Axis0 , vr::k_EButton_SteamVR_Trigger = k_EButton_Axis1 ,
  vr::k_EButton_Dashboard_Back = k_EButton_Grip , vr::k_EButton_Max = 64
enum  vr::EVRMouseButton { vr::VRMouseButton_Left = 0x0001 , vr::VRMouseButton_Right = 0x0002 , vr::VRMouseButton_Middle = 0x0004 }
enum  vr::EDualAnalogWhich { vr::k_EDualAnalog_Left = 0 , vr::k_EDualAnalog_Right = 1 }


std::uint64_t vr::ButtonMaskFromId (EVRButtonId id)